How To Order a Permit


To order an oversize permit, overweight permit, or superload trucking permit through Prime Permits, you first need to create an account for your organization. Creating an account allows you to save your information and easily duplicate previous orders or create new orders in the future. You can also share information with other accounts under your organization.

Simply enter your organization, first and last name, email address, and password. Individual members can then be invited to join your organization’s account. If your organization already has an account set up, ask the admin of that organization to send you an invite rather than setting up a separate account.

Once you are logged in, go to the "Permits" tab and click + Add Permit Request. Before a permit can be issued, you will need to provide the following details.

  1. Carrier Info
  2. Billing Info
  3. Origin, Destination, and Route Info
  4. Truck and Trailer Info
    • Truck Type, Unit Number, Number of Axles, Year/Make, License Plate No., State, VIN, Weight, Length
  5. Load Info
    • Load Description, Make/Model, Serial No., L×W×H, Weight, Loaded Type, Method of Movement
  6. Overall Dimensions
  7. Axle/Weight Info
    • Number of Tires, Loaded Axle Weight, Axle Width, and Axle Spacing
  8. Regulatory Account Numbers
  9. Payment Details*

Feel free to call us at 601-800-9029 if you have any questions about creating an account or requesting a permit through Prime Permits, your one-stop trucking permits services agency!

Order Your Permit »


*A 4% fee is added to credit card charges. There is no fee for ACH payment methods.